Wednesday, February 27, 2013

#16 Mail Art Received

Mail art such as this makes the trek to the postoffice box worthwhile!
Fr_Viktoria Robinson, Sweden

Fr_ Elaine Arvati, Youngstown, Ohio: Note vintage images.

Fr_TOFU, San Francisco, CA, USA (that is Sutro Tower on the right)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

#15 Mail Art Received & Sent

The last visit to my mail box offered up these beauties. This is the 3rd piece of mail art from the prolific Jon Foster of North Carolina. It features his signature use of tape as embellishment. The card from A. Rizzuto ( yes, we're related) is a stamped, embossed, sewn extravaganza. The small attached envelope opens to reveal a congratulatory message. I've been fortunate to receive numerous handmade cards from her over the last several years. I quickly made a few postcards to thank contributors. To keep me from lagging behind, I keep a small stack of painted papers to which are added  hand-painted or printed elements, ephemera and  text. Each postcard I make  is unique and a revelation.

Fr_A Rizzuto showing opened envelope

Fr_A Rizzuto, NH, USA: Showing attached envelope

Fr_Jon Foster #3, NC, USA

to_Jon Foster #3
to_A Rizzuto
to_Angela Gue

Monday, February 18, 2013

# 14 Mail Art Received

I continue to receive uniquely created mail art and, of course, have responded in kind. As I walk to the postoffice each week, I look forward to gems such as these from IUOMA members.

Fr: Lynne Larkin, Joliet, IL USA
Note the overlay of maps in the skirts

Fr_ Edna Toffoli, Brazil

Fr_ Edna Toffoli, Brazil

Fr_ Valentine M Herman, Sigean France
Interior of foldout from Kelly Bancroft Youngstown, OH
fr_ Angela Gue, California

Friday, February 15, 2013

# 13 Mail Art Sent

These were sent this week. The first was made using printed paper tape and white gel pen on black paper. The second two were constructed using gelatin plate monotypes and hand decorated papers. The latter are part of the Dream Series of postcards.
Entry for Shell Knob's Mail Art Project, Music, USA
To Lynne Larkin, USA
To An.U, Latvia
Collaboration with Edna Toffoli, Brazil

Thursday, February 7, 2013

#12 Mail Art Sent

Both of these postcards were sent as a 'thank you' for Mail Art received in response to the mail art call in this blog and on my IUOMA page. So far I've receive 11 works and have responded in kind. 

To: Jon Foster, NC

To: Patricio, Celestial Scribe, Brazil
To: Liu Miao, China

To: Faro Movil's  Mail Art Call, Ishuaia, Argentina

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

# 11 Mail Art Received and Sent

The past few weeks have been busy with receiving, creating and sending out Mail Art to new contacts here and abroad. Documentation is taking more time than I expected, but I'm enjoying the variety of mini-artworks arriving in my PO Box.

To: Edna Toffoli, Brazil

From: Guido Vermeulen, Brussels, "Mountain Poem #3"

From: Jon Foster, NC, USA

To: Karen Alekyan, Armenia

From: K. Alekyan, Stamps

From: Celestial Scribe, Brazil--envelope with selected enclosures

To Larissa Dunn, New Zealand

To: Kelly Bancroft, Ohio, USA
fr_Laura Bucci, Vancouver, Canada